Hi Josselin,

I've used Cuda's FFT library with osgPPU in some of my projects last year. 
Actually exactly for that purpose I've developed the osgPPU::UnitModule which 
can run any module as a unit on the input data. There is a CUDA example with 
osgPPU, showing how to use it.

Just grab it and put instead of the kernel used in that example your FFT code 
and it should work. There is just one drawback, when using Cuda within OpenGL, 
the performance. The memory space of Cuda and OpenGL is not shared, hence it 
costs you some time to copy a texture into cuda space and copy it then back. 
However I am not sure if there were new extensions to speed up the copy process.


josselin wrote:
> Hi,
> I just would like to know if someone already used a fft algorithm with  
> osgPPU (for image processing), with pixel shaders or CUDA?
> Or maybe could you tell me if it's difficult to use CUDA in osgPPU?  
> I'm quite experimented with PPU but not with CUDA, and I would like to  
> know how it could be difficult to use the FFT librairy of CUDA  
> (http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/2_0/docs/CUFFT_Library_2.0.pdf).
> Thanks in avance,
> Josselin.
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