
Many developers at my locations are experiencing odd frame rate readings (from 
the StatsHandler),  and we would like to know if others are having the same 

We are running in a multiple window/camera enviroment.  When I minimize a 
windows, then the frame rate drops! I would expect the frame rate to increase 
instead. Maybe not by much (depending on the scene) but an increase just the 

The biggest confusion araises when we change one of our draw callback. By 
adding a simple glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) and glPopAttrib() in the 
callback, the frame rate dropped by 1.5ms (200 FPS to 153FPS) - that HUGE!!!. I 
calculated the cost of glPushAtrrib() and glPopAttrib() in it is ~3 
microseconds. Obviously, there is something I don't fully understand about the 
frame rate being displayed.

My first though was that the frame rate displayed by the statshandler was not 
accurate - but that seems a little odd to me as well.

Can anyone shed some light on this odd behavior?


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