
I appreciate the reply. Like you, I'm perplexed as to what is going on with
this app on Linux when it comes to rendering the terrain.

I understand the issues and shortcomings with using GLUT. We eventually plan
on porting our whole application to using osgViewer and getting rid of GLUT
altogether. Unfortunately, for the time being (due to scheduling
constraints), we're having to use the viewer embedded in the GLUT window for
our 3D view. At the moment, this is our interim solution for using OSG in
our application for the 3D rendering.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can further debug this problem?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 10:01 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] no osgTerrain showing up on Linux...

Hi Shayne,

There isn't nothing platform specific about osgTerrain, and I do all my dev
and testing of osgTerrain under Linux.  There shouldn't be any correlation
between GLUT and osgTerrain either.  I'm afraid I no explanation for your

What I can say is that GLUT is a truely awful API and shouldn't be used
anywhere any modern graphics application.  It was written for tiny OpenGL
demos, and long exceeded it's intended life a decade ago, let alone now,
it's survived not because it's actually any good, but because well... lots
of people copied those early demos.

osgViewer itself is a far better tool for a modern graphics application.
Might I suggest you use it rather than GLUT.


On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519
SMXS/MXDEC <> wrote:



        I'm seeing a problem that I'm hoping someone can shed some light on.


        I have an application that uses an OSG viewer (OSG version 2.8.2)
embedded in a GLUT window. This application runs on both Windows XP and
Linux (currently using RHEL 5.4). The machine is dual boot so the hardware
is the same in both cases. The embedded OSG viewer is rendering a database
which includes a VPB terrain using osgTerrain. When I run this application
on Windows, everything (terrain, models, sky, etc.) renders fine. However,
when I run the same application on Linux, using the same database, the
terrain does not show up at all. I've verified that the terrain is being
read in and added to the scenegraph as usual, but it is not being rendered
for some strange reason on Linux when viewer->frame() is called. Everything
else renders just fine in the rendering loop.


        Is there something special I need to do for Linux in the application
to get the terrain to render? At this point, I'm at a loss as to what is
causing this problem. For a sanity check, I've looked at the terrain
database using osgViewer on the Linux box and everything renders fine. Is
GLUT causing problems on Linux that aren't seen on Windows for rendering the
terrain? Is there something else I can do to debug this problem on Linux?


        Any help or input would most appreciated.




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