On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Wojciech Lewandowski <
lewandow...@ai.com.pl> wrote:

> this will set up multiple render targets with 3 independent color buffers.
> However, I am not sure if this will propely work with gl_Layer produced in
> Geometry shader. These OpenGL examples I saw usually set up layered
> framebuffer rendering with one glFramebufferTexture call. For example see
> this link (its sample code to render 6 faces of cubemap simultaneously)
> http://pastie.org/796448: However, this brings another problem:
> glFramebufferTexture functinality is not used by OSG yet.
> glFramebufferTexture calls are used in FrameBufferObject.cpp to attach a
"FrameBufferAttachment." Are you thinking of another use for

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