On 15 March 2010 20:55, David Cofer <dco...@mindcreators.com> wrote:

> I need to convert the world coordinates of a contact force into the local
> coordinate system for the contacted part. Is there a straighforward way to
> do this in OSG? I saw a similar question here (
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=884&highlight=body+world+coordinate),
> but there was no clear resolution to the problem. I am a newbie to
> scenegraphs, so the idea of having to build this from scratch is a bit
> daunting.
> Thanks
> David
Untested, but should point you in the right direction:

// assumes only one path from scene root to node
// \throw std::out_of_range if pNode has no parents
osg::Vec3f convert(osg::Node* pNode, const osg::Vec3f& worldVector)
  osg::NodePathList     paths = pNode->getParentalNodePaths();
  osg::Matrix    worldToLocal = osg::computeWorldToLocal(paths.at(0));
  osg::Vec3f    localVector = worldToLocal * worldVector;
  return localVector;

If you are using the intersector classes, just use the node path
from the hit record instead.
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