On 21/03/10 16:27 , John Galt wrote:
> I'm trying to access a child node to perform Position Attitude 
> Transformations but I
> am unable to figure out how to do so.
> My createModel(overlay, technique) is defined as follows:
>> ....
>>     osg::Group* root = new osg::Group;
>>     osg::Node* baseModel = createBase(osg::Vec3(center.x(), center.y(), 
>> baseHeight),radius);
>>     osg::Node* movingModel = createFrustumGeode(2,4,45,45);
>>     {
>>         root->addChild(baseModel);
>>     }
>>     root->addChild(movingModel);
>>     return root;
>> }
> My main function has this code:
>> ....
>>     // initialize the viewer.
>>     osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
>>     // load the nodes from the commandline arguments.
>>     osg::Node* model = createModel(overlay, technique);
>>     if (!model)
>>     {
>>         return 1;
>>     }
> Now at this point in my main function, I want to access the child node of 
> model (say
> the"movingModel" node) and perform a position attitude transformation on it.
> How do I access it and perform the transformation? Any suggestions would be 
> welcomed by this newbie.

To get to the 'movingModel' node you could either access it by its index (like
model->getChild(1)' or write a visitor to find it by name.

You can then dynamic_cast this to PositionAttitudeTransform and perform the 
operation.  (The node has to be created as a PAT; it's not obvious what
'createFrustumGeode' creates.)

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