Hi Adrian,

The intersection tests are double in singles, but the intersection ray
is transformed into local space using doubles so this should help
avoid most of the precision issues.  There were still some precisions
problems with the bounding box intersection test that was causing
premature rejection of the drawable and KdTree based intersections, in
svn/trunk there are fixes that address these.

Could you try svn/trunk and see how you get on?


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Adrian Lindberg <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> I'm doing some large terrain rendering using OSG where I put small bulletins 
> (billboards) which I wan't to make clickable. For this I found the osgPicker 
> example and implemented it and all worked well.
> However in an extension of this I moved the camera to a bulletin to supply 
> additional clickable billboards (ie move inside a clicked house and look in 
> the drawer inside the house). These additional billboards are relatively 
> small compared to my world (several kilometers, the small billboard being 
> about a meter in radius) and my intersection fails 95% of the time. If I move 
> the camera out and make the larger (so that I can see them from a distance) 
> everything works again. No change in code or scenegraph structure except the 
> position set by the camera manipulator.
> I'm wondering if there are any known issues with intersection tests since I 
> presume these are done in single precision. Does it do double calculations 
> for MatrixTransforms (I tried putting a matrix transform having local 
> coordinates for the smaller objects as well with no luck).
> Any other ideas as how to tackle this?
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=26250#26250
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