Hi Community,

I have several questions about the glow example.  Any help would be appreciated.

1. what line of code actually performs the glow effect?
    a. I am a novice with shaders and osgPPU
    b. I found how to increase the intensity of the glow within the shader 
source code; it is the * 2 effect on glowColor
    c. I can not find the line of code that actually performs the glow

2.  Within the shader source code, the variables view and glow confuse me.  
Nothing within glow.cpp refers directly to either of these variables and so I 
do not know 
        1) how the glow effect actually happens.
        2) how the different input to shaderSrc is actually differentiated 
between view and glow.
      Would someone please tell me? :-*

     I have noticed that the resultShader receives input from unitCam1 and from 
blury which gives the "view" and "glow" outputs, though I do not fully 
understand how.

3. I have continued to notice the use of processor as the beginning of the 
pipeline.  When adding a child to a pipeline element, does that automatically 
send output to the child?

4. I have noticed that there are 2 camera inputs into the pipeline. One is the 
main camera directly attached to processor.  The other is a new camera, 
slaveCamera, which is attached to unitSlaveCamera.  What stops the main 
camera's output from going into the unitSlaveCamera?

5. what does osgPPU::UnitCameraAttachmentBypass mean?

6. what does osgPPU::UnitCamera mean?

Thank you so much for your help. :D


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