Hi, I created a scene consisting of a man holding onto a book.
Now I am trying to get the scene to act as follows:

* when i pick the man, the book moves with it
* when i pick the book, it moves without the man, and actually detaches from it 
(if i move the man again another time the book will not move)

I tried to use some dragger (axis transform ,tabBox) method but to no avail - 
everytime the object i move is being duplicated, and i cannot move the man with 
the book. any ideas on how to to it?

I'm using visual studio 2008 with the osg 2.8.0
If my question is in any way missing or unclear, please let me know and i'll 

P.S. : 
The node tree i used to do it is:
root --> body --> all the body parts (head, arms, legs etc...) each of them has 
it's own tranform
root --> book (also with it's own transform)

Thank you!


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