Hi Jason,

Clip planes are an example of positional state, other examples are
lights and eye linear texgen.  All positional state requires a
specific modelview matrix to be bound to them to position them
correctly in space, so unlike other OpenGL/OSG state you can't just
push/pop and state sort their state and expect to get the correct

This difference is handled by the OSG by binding the positional state
together with a modelview matrix found when encountering the
ClipNode/TexGenNode/LightSource nodes, and these positional state are
then applied once at the start of each RenderStage.  Applying the
state just once for whole RenderStage does enable us to position the
state uniquely but unfortauntely also means that the positional state
can only be in one place for the whole stage - you can't nest it.

You can emulate having multiple sets of Clip planes/texgen/lights by
having multiple stages, or do what is currently done in FlightGear, to
use a custom StateAttribute that does the binding to the required
modelview matrix in the CustomAttribute::apply() method taking care to
push back the current modelview matrix to prevent the rest of the
scene being affected.


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Jason Jerald <ja...@digitalartforms.com> wrote:
> Evidently most graphics hardware only supports 6-8 clipping planes and our
> application requires more than that so I  need to somehow reuse clipping
> planes.  I searched the archives and saw there was some discussion of this
> back in 2007 (something about possibly using the render bin instead of the
> render stage but it is not clear how to do so).  Has reuse of clipping
> planes since been implemented?  If so how do I do so (I have not been able
> to figure out how to do so by looking through clipnode)?  Or if not, does
> anyone have any ideas/example of how to implement reuse of clipping planes?
> Thanks so much!
> Jason
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