I was able to test on machines locally and had the same results on both Windows 7 and Vista with both ATI and NVidia graphics. It turns out that Visual Studio was including OpenGL32.dll in my .msi as an automatically detected dependency which I had never noticed. I removed that and everything works great. Not sure how this worked anywhere with that file in there.

Thanks J-S and Jason for the suggestions.


On 5/12/2010 4:11 PM, Jason Daly wrote:
Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Until now we have only run our software on XP, but we just
had a user try to run on Vista and our application ran, but without
textures and a much lower framerate.

With nothing else to go on, I would suspect outdated drivers or a bad
video card rather than it being Vista causing the problem. As I've said,
we've used many flavors of Windows without too many problems.

Missing textures and slow frame rate sound a lot like old ATi drivers to
me. I had those exact symptoms once and fixed it by installing the
latest drivers.

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