Hy guys
I've got a question that maybe will sound stupid, but I'm quite new to OSG and 
I'm building a project on mac osx, and I imported a lot of osg frameworks... 
but some (->1000 LOL) weird incomplete type errors occurred. Gcc is 4.2, and my 
xcode project settings are the same that i've found in the osg project shipped 
with latest trunk. My way of proceding was: building osg frameworks 
(deveolpment 32 bit cocoa) and then importing them into my code in the target 
section "Link binaries with libraries".
It's strange, because those errors belongs to long chains of errors that seems 
to start from the sdk 10.5 (updated to the latest one 3.2.2), mainly they are 
related to string type that remains undefined.
For example one of my chain of errors start with this one:
-> /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/bits/ios_base.h:224:0 
Field '_M_msg' has incomplete type in 

and in the file the _M_msg is a string type.

And the same happens for other errors.

I tried to add the
using std::string;
using namespace std;
lines but with no effect at all.

And I tried also using frameworks Development 32 bit Carbon
with same result.

On google I can't find anything, so I'm here.
Any clue?
Thanks in advance.
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