Tell more about dynamics of your vertices
Static data:
I think you would need to make small geometries and a fitted group hierarchy 
(giving your own bounding boxes) with a visitor ( perhaps just use 
osgutil::optimizer would make a good work)
Dynamic data:
you should your own culling policy use vbos (discharging cpu)and and geometry 
shader culling (discharging GPU)...

My master word: batched memory policies.

Gianluca Natale wrote:
> Hi there! 
> I have some performance issue when trying to draw objects
> whose geometry contains millions of vertices.
> I want to try everything to improve it (LOD, exclude back faces for closed 
> surfaces,
> use strips and fans, vertex buffer objects, etc…),
> but I wonder if OSG already uses occlusion queries (provided by OpenGL)
> during rendering traversal, applied to the bounding boxes of the 
> geodes/drawables,
> to quickly exclude the complete drawing of that part. 
> Or at least, if there is a way to enable it. 
> I’m using OSG 2.8.0. 
> For my models that would help me a lot, since each geometry has millions
> of vertices, but occlusion queries for bounding boxes would involve only 8 
> vertices at a time. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Gianluca
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