Hi Guys,

We all seem to agree that the topic actually consists from two subtopics: ShaderGeneration and ShaderComposition. Shader generation would be mostly used to emulate Fixed Pipeline and replace GL Attributes/Modes with generated uniforms and shader pieces. ShaderComposition would allow mixing and linking of various shader pieces gathered during cull traversal. Shader Generation seems to be the current focus of the discussion. ShaderComposition seems to be of a lower priority. I have the felling that these two subjects could be addressed together but they also could be addressed independently. ShaderComposition is needed to implement ShaderGeneration but not the opposite. So wouldn't it be better to first implement flexible ShaderCompositor that at first would only work with programmable pipeline in OSG ?. And later build ShaderGenerator on top of ShaderCompositor ?

I believe there is a number of developers interested only in programmable pipeline. They would not mind writing shader chunks and using their uniforms to attain effect that fixed pipeline would also give them. They would do this to have clear and consistent shader code. And often they want to make transition to fully programmable pipeline as fast as possible because they feel thats how the 3D future will look.

I am ready to make such switch. I only need working ShaderComposition. Personally I'm not interested in fixed pipeline emulation and where possible I will try to program shader pipeline myself. Call me short sighted but I am afraid that trying to replace programmers with shader generators will make this coding more complicated.

Once ShaderComposition becomes available I am not going to go back to FFP and will avoid StateAttributes that exist only in fixed pipeline. I will thus indirectly avoid using ShaderGeneration feature as well. In my opinion many programmable pipeline concepts are easier to understand than the stuff in Fixed Pipeline (take TexEnv or TexMat for example) and I would always prefer to have direct control over uniforms & shaders neccessary to implement certain feature. With ShaderGeneration I will never be sure what shader code was produced and how uniforms were attached.

That's my opinion. But I am taking the risk of presenting it because I think there are others who share this view and would prefer to make transition to fully programmable pipeline as quickly as possible. There is a number of algorithms where Fixed pipeline states simply don't fit. Deffered shading for huge number of lights for example. Its better to implement them in fully programmable environment than mix fixed and programmable approaches.

I know there are other users and lots of existing OSG code which relies on fixed pipeline. I understand that this existing code will require ShaderGeneration but I really feel that the discussion is focusing on second step when first one was not made yet.

Wojtek Lewandowski
PS. I won't be able to respond for next 3 days.

From: "Robert Osfield" <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 4:51 PM
To: <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Shader composition, OpenGL modes and custom modes

Hi All,

As another step towards experimenting with shader composition I've
renamed the osgshadercompositor example to osgvirtualprogram as this
example is based around a VirtualProgram class, and I'd like to
differentiate between test beds like this and work to towards the
final shader composition support.

Later I'll add a
osgshadercomposition/osgshadercompositor/osgshadercomposer example
that will be the test bed for the new work on shader composition.

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