Hello John,

How do I draw QT controls over my 3D rendering?
I am using OSG 2.9.8 and QT 4.7.0

I must to drawing qt contols similary as in example openglcanvas. (trolltech)

See the example osgQtWidgets that was part of 2.9.8. Also see the modified files I attached to my post here:


which fix a few things. The example will show you how to basically draw a widget (and all its children) either as part of the scene (so on a quad in 3D, like on a computer screen in your scene or anything you want) or fullscreen over your 3D scene, like a HUD. I guess that's what you want. Look for what the example does when it finds the --fullscreen command line switch.

Hopefully these changes will be integrated into SVN in time for the next dev release.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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