Hi Vincent,

If a PagedLOD is not being visited then it'll likely be because it's
being view frustum culled or culled by an LOD above it.  Not setting
up the bounding volume of the PagedLOD correctly would be a likely
candidate for this happening inappropriately.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 1:50 AM, Vincent Bourdier
<vincent.bourd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Still having issues with PagedLOD... >_<
> My scene is composed by PagedLOD only at start-up. All is good, the files
> are loaded and the geometry are displayed.
> But when, before launching the render loop, I add a little geometry (not a
> pagedLOD, just a simple little sphere) in my scene, PagedLOD do not Load.
> The database pager request List is empty.
> I need to move the camera very close to a LOD (knowing it position without
> seeing it) to launch the PagedLOD loading.
> It seems that the PagedLOD nodes are not visited byt the CullVisitor, so
> they can't request the load of their children.
> Any idea would be very appreciated because after 8h on this issue, I still
> have no idea of the problem...
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
>   Vincent.
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