
After some time nearly absent (due to my job) I have nearly finished my cluster 
module for OSG based on ENet (UDP).

But now I'm struggling to integrate it in my application by a lack of overview 
on the viewmatrix.

My situation:
I have two rendering machines, one acting as master and one as slave.

The master gets a bunch of variables to from external and wants to distribute 
these values to the slaves as soon as possible. Additionally these variables 
results during the rendering to a modified camera position and attitude. This 
up to date viewmatrix should also be passed to the slaves make them rendering 
(almost) the same frame.

The slave reads the transmitted variables and now has the same data situation 
like the master. Additionally he uses the viewmatrix of the master, but applies 
some additional rotation and translation to render another "window" of the same 

My Questions:

A) Is my solution to use the eventCallback to transfer the variables to the 
slave as early as possible in every frame suitable? 
If no - what could be a good solution?

B) Not earlier than which callback should I extract the viewmatrix in the 
master to get the the up to date matrix used for THIS frame - and send it to 
the slave?
Not later than which callback do I have to install the received viewMatrix in 
the slave to be rendered in the same frame? 

Thank you very much!


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