Hi Leandro,

I've updated my old OSGUIsh library, so that it works with newer
versions of OSG. This small library allows to register functions that
get called when "GUI-like events" (mouse click, mouse move, key
down...) happen on a specific OSG node.

Interesting project! One question: how do you pronounce the name? :-) It seems like a mix of an acronym and a word, but I'm wondering if you'd say "oh-ess-gooey-ish" or "oh-ess-gee-you-ish" or what?

Hehehe... Anyways, I understand the point that it's GUI-ish (kinda like a GUI toolkit) events for OSG but I was just wondering.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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