Hi Dashesy,

This is a question that you should be able to answer yourself.  Which
is faster, to render nothing, or rendering something that you can't
see.  If you can't answer this then you are probably in wrong line of


On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Ehsan Azar <azarna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Render to Texture of OSG to render a video in my QT application.
> I am trying to overlay a few different drawables (mainly text and lines that 
> might change vertices on the fly) on top of the video when user turns them 
> on. The verices might change but it is not a real animation.
> So basically I would like to show or hide the 2D drawables. I have a ortho 2D 
> camera fixed at the video scene, so everything is 2D.
> I appreciate if you give me some insight in the concept of Geode vs Drawable.
> Which method seems more natural and is faster.
> 1- Having one Geode with multiple drawables that have slightly different 
> depth, so I can hide something just by lowering the z-order
> 2- Having multiple Geodes and use the mask to hide or show them, which 
> requires assigning bin numbers to overlay them on top of the video.
> If the number of Geodes increase, does it lower the performance? does it make 
> sense to make one Geode per each text for example, or per each LINE_LOOP if I 
> have hundreds of them? What do you think is the optimum number of draables 
> per Geodes?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> dashesy
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=30229#30229
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