I've been watching the osgQt developments with interest here.  I'm involved
in porting a large application to OSG & Qt and I've been concerned for
some time now with the platform dependencies and other messiness of
the osgviewerQtWidget based code we'd been using.  The osgQt code
seemed too different (we followed a QWidgetrather than QObject implementation)
and it not quite ready for prime time for production code.  We're
not using Qt for any graphic rendering, just the window management frame for several windows of OSG graphics so mixing Qt & OSG rendering wasn't a concern.

I found that it was fairly straight to substitute the osgviewerQtContext based code. The API is more complete, the multi-sample problem request takes, and
the X11/Win32/Mac porting issues are moot (love that word).  I think
osgviewerQtContext is the clear winner over osgviewerQtWidget.

Jeremy -- great news on your recovery!

-Don Leich

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