
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I am running into a very similar problem:

> 3>    file INSTALL cannot find
> 3>    
> "C:/Development/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3/VS2010/bin/Release/../../bin/ot11-OpenThreads.dll".

The OP said that they could find this DLL (and others) in the specific 
directory. It seems that the OP's problem was that VS didn't have the right 
permissions to access the destination directory.

My problem is a bit different. I'm running VS2010 as Administrator, but it 
still doesn't work. When I look at the above folder path, all it has are PDBs. 
In my case, that is not the correct path. The correct path is:


All of my DLLs, etc., are in that path. They are not in the folder that the 
cmake install step is looking in.

I don't know how to get them to build into the path that the cmake install step 
is looking for them in (aside from manually editing each project file by hand). 
Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you!


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