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On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:33 AM, 了心 <masterliao...@gmail.com> wrote:
> anyone here do porting osg on symbian ?
> STL  had done
> OpenThreads no
> OSG no
> just wanna run the simple demo
> osgviewer cow.osg~
> p.s Symbian 3 N8 , OSG 2.9.8

I waited over the weekend to see anyone would come forward, but alas
none yet.  I don't know of anyone porting the OSG/OpenThreads across
but it'd something I like to see happen as it'd be great to have a
decent scene graph available across a wide range of mobile platforms.

I don't personally know much about the Symbian platform, but am happy
to help assist any port.  The three areas that are likely to present
issues that will need resolving are:

  OpenThreads - threading support, might Qt threading be useful here?
  osgDB - file IO will need address, I have no knowledge of this side of things.
  osgViewer - windowing support, again Qt might well be useful tool.

I've mentioned Qt twice above, and if it's possible to leverage Qt
then you'd be able to prepare the port on a normal desktop against Qt
then port will be more straight-forward.  What version of Qt will be

On the OSG front there is already a GraphicsWindowQt implementation in
osgviewerQtContext that could possibly integrated directly into
osgViewer.  We'd need to do some work on the OSG side but it shouldn't
be too great.

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