Hi Art and all,

just an update for sharing that I've solved my problem.
The pipeline attached to the main viewer scene was rendered by multiple
cameras with different output (one to FB and the other RTT) and this was
probably causing some issues.
I also changed the pipeline, but I don't think that had nothing to do.
Now I have added the pipeline to its own subgraph and it works without


On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 17:43, Riccardo Corsi <riccardo.co...@kairos3d.it>wrote:

> Hi Art,
> you're right about the output order of the units... I really don't know why
> the order is mixed...
> What I'm sure about is that all the cameras which are input to the PPU are
> updated every frame, because for debug reasons I use their (attached)
> texture on another quad without pipeline, and that is draw correctly every
> frame.
> It's a bit complicated to reproduce the issue with an example, I'll try to
> set it up though.
> In the meantime let me just explain you how I setup the different camera,
> in case you notice something wrong with that.
> I have a main scene and then, inside the main view, a phone model in 3D
> which has to show on its screen the main scene plus some additional
> contents.
> So, without any PPU I have:
> 1. main viewer camera which renders main scene to the full viewport
> 2. phone camera (slave, RTT via FBO, shares the viewer scene data) in
> PRE_RENDER to render main scene from the phone point of view
> 3. hud camera (RTT via FBO) in PRE_RENDER to render phone additional
> contents
> --> output texture from 2 and 3 are mixed by a simple shader and used on
> the phone 3D model
> 4. another slave camera to draw only the phone model (in its own subgraph)
> on the main window viewport
> Now I'd like to add some post process to the camera 2. To achieve that I
> would:
> - attach the PPU to the main scene
> - set the PPU::Processor camera to the phone camera 2
> - then don't know if it's better to mix the postprocess result with hud
> camera inside the pipeline, or mix them with the shader I'm using now. In
> both cases I would not use a UnitOut, but simply getOrCreateOutputTexture()
> from the last Unit of the pipeline.
> It this a correct approach?
> Thanks,
> Ricky
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 15:15, Art Tevs <arti_t...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> hmm, since I do not know your unit graph setup I could not give the right
>> answer on this. Actually any stalling is not a correct behaviour and
>> shouldn't be a consequence of wrong unit graph. Unit graphs are actually
>> static, so if they start well, they should also work well without stalling.
>> Only if there is dynamically any change happens, then it might create a
>> problem.
>> What is your last unit, is it the DOF_Result or the BlurVertical. I assume
>> this is the DOF_Result. Due to the order of the output, you will get one
>> frame delay in your results.
>> Are you sure that your camera, which you use for the input to the Unit
>> graph is updated every frame. Maybe just one of your cameras stalls. Is it
>> possible, that you create a small example application showing the issue?
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,
>> Art
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