On 20/10/10 14:01 , Aruna Madusanka wrote:
> ...
> background. The meteorologist stands in front of a bluescreen, and then 
> different
> weather maps are added on those parts in the image where the color is blue. 
> If the
> meteorologist wears blue clothes, their clothes will become replaced with the
> background video. This also works for greenscreens, since blue and green are 
> considered
> the colors least like skin tone. Can we do a similar thing with osg?

You can certainly take two textures (say one from a capture device and one 
internally) and replace color X (green/blue) in the one texture with pixels 
from the other
if that's what you're after.

But considering you incur
- additional delay by capturing and rendering
- possible loss of color fidelity

does it really make sense in a real-time environment?

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