Greetings Robert!

Well if it is a driver bug, then it's a persistent one since I've tried just 
about all of the Nvidia Linux drivers from 195.36 up to the latest and it still 
happens. Yet when I try it on a card that supports OGL 2.1 and the problem goes 
away - and in that case, at least wonce, I was using the same driver on both 

The only thing I can figure that there is a function that I go in and change 
the color of an object. I used a variant of the example "osgtexture1D" to set 
the color of the whole object, rather than rainbow it. Looking at the OGL spec 
book, I found that there were two improvements that were made in OGL 2.1. One 
on Pixel Buffer Objects and another about sRGB.

D Glenn

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Join the Navy and See the World ... from your 

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