On 11/26/2010 11:10 PM, Abdur Rahman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working in Delta3D and need to implement night vision effect for my T59 
> tank simulator.I've a little bit of knowledge over it and I think it can be 
> possible by implementing some post filters or shader effects on camera.But I 
> cant find any particular way to implement the effect. If anybody give me some 
> solution or suggestion to implement night vision effect using OSG it will be 
> a great help for me..  

  First question would be -- what exactly do you define "Night Vision Effect" 
Infrared? Image intensifier?

  IR requires emissive properties on your models and a shader to utilize them. 
intensifier just requires weak direct and ambient light sources, and a shader to
monochromize them and add a lot of noise.


Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com 
  Digital Imaging. OpenGL. Scene Graphs. GIS. GPS. Training. Consulting. 
    "There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist." - 
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