On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Jason Daly wrote:

On 11/30/2010 04:23 PM, Keith Parkins wrote:
Okay, DrawArrays also uses the slow path. I was under the impression that
only DrawArrayLengths were. The only hint I had of this before digging
through the source was a posting here that said not to use

My understanding was that neither DrawArrays nor DrawArrayLengths would use slow paths (they should both be using glDrawArrays(), which is fast). Unfortunately, I can't deduce from the information you've provided why you'd be falling onto the slow path.

Are you using attribute indices on your Geometry (setVertexIndices(), setNormalIndices(), etc.)? Are you using BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE for any of your attributes? Those are the most common reasons.


I am using geo->setNormalBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL);
and I did see a model with NormalBinding PER_VERTEX. Should I be setting
these to BIND_OFF or is it just BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE?


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