Hi Werner,

If I understand right whatever ShadowTechnique is used the result when
reaching my scenes "user root node" (child of ShadowScene) there will be the
shadow texture which I can use in always the same way.
Since the shader code of StandardShadowMap seems to be very complete I could
cut and paste it, do my extensions in there and add the program to the
StateSet of my node.
This should work in a flexible way with any Shadowtechnique used?

Instead, if you've subclassed from SoftShadowMap, I'd start from that shader and work from there. You can experiment of course.

But yes, what you say is true, since the ShadowTechnique binds the shadow map texture at the ShadowedScene level (same as the osg::Program containing the shadow mapping shader(s)), you can use that texture unit at any node below the ShadowedScene (as long as another node doesn't bind another texture in the shadow map's texture unit! - again the StateAttribute inheritance rules apply).

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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