Hello Zoran,

I'll just add a few details over what Chris said.

2. How does OSG handle windows? Is it built in or requires 3rd party sw?

I agree with Chris that your question may mean 2 things.

- We use OSG on MS Windows all the time, it's our primary platform. We try hard to make sure that OSG always builds cleanly and runs well on multiple platforms, major ones being Linux, Windows and OS X.

- Native window system integration is generally done using the osgViewer library (included in OSG), which has classes for integration into Windows, X11 and Carbon/Cocoa (and now IOS). If want to integrate into a widget toolkit (GTK, Qt, etc.) there are examples in the OSG examples directory, they all start with osgViewer*, but be advised that in some cases these use the GraphicsWindowEmbedded class which means that the widget/window system is in charge of context management and will generally prevent you from using OSG's threading capabilities to their full potential.

3. Any experience and/or thoughts of using Qt with OSG?

There are two ways of using OSG with Qt, both of which have examples in the examples directory.

The first way is to embed OSG in a Qt widget. See osgViewerQT, osgViewerQtViewer and osgViewerQtContext for examples of this.

The second way is the opposite, rendering Qt widgets in your OSG 3D scene (as a HUD or on top of a quad in 3D space). See osgQtWidgets and osgQtBrowser for examples of this.

Please search the archives or the forum for more details. I haven't had time to polish the latter set of examples lately, but would like to, in addition to adding a bit of documentation about them on the wiki. But reading the code should help you get started.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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