
in the case of osggameoflife, the state of a single "image" is updated during every call to viewer.frame(). In other words the processing starts with a single state and this is updated - the input in not dynamic. The flip flop is only used because one cannot read from and write to the same texture in a single pass.

It can work the same for blurring - at every call to frame an input can be blurred further, but this assumes that the scene in not changing.

If you want a variable number of blur passes for every "frame" of a dynamic scene, you will have to do mulitiple passes per "frame".


On 14/12/10 16:41, Sajjadul Islam wrote:
Hi Delport ,

Is something like happening in osggameflife without adding the pass in the 

Please correct me if i m wrong.

They have multiple pass and they are are just flip flop the two output textures


Thank you!


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