Good Day,

A very Happy New Year to All!

Are there any thoughts regarding this inquiry that I'd posted a couple of weeks 

To further clarify, I guess what I'm asking is:

Is it possible to specify that only the highest LOD be paged in (ignoring all 
other LODs), or alternatively is it possible to generate a paged terrain 
database that contains only one (i.e. the highest) LOD (and in so doing specify 
the desired tile size for this highest LOD)? and
Is it possible to control the maximum range from the observer at which tiles 
will be paged in/out?

Many thanks in advance,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Murray G. Gamble" <>
> Date: December 21, 2010 3:09:19 PM EST
> To:
> Subject: [osg-users] Optimizing performance of LineSegmentIntersector
> Reply-To: OpenSceneGraph Users <>
> Good Day,
> We're using osg & VPB/osgdem to create a polygonal terrain representation 
> that interacts with the undercarriage model of a helicopter flight model 
> using a set of LineSegmentIntersectors.  While this approach works quite 
> well, we'd like to optimize the performance of the LineSegmentIntersector 
> queries in order to allow us to increase the frequency to of queries to ~200 
> Hz and maintain consistent query times (currently the performance of the 
> intersection tests varies significantly as we move through the virtual 
> terrain).
> Ideally by minimizing the hierarchy of terrain that the IntersectionVisitor 
> needs to traverse over, we hope to improve the performance of the 
> intersection queries.
> Since the interaction is non-visual in nature, we only require the highest 
> LOD of the terrain and we only require the tiles that are within a few 
> hundred meters of the observer to be loaded by the DatabasePager, however 
> we're unsure as to how to influence:
> Which LOD is loaded by the DatabasePager; and
> The radius around the observer for which the DatabasePager will load the 
> highest LOD tiles.
> Can anyone offer some guidance re. configuring the DatabasePager (and/or 
> other parts of the system) to perform as desired?
> Many thanks,
> Murray
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