On 01/07/2011 03:34 PM, Art Tevs wrote:
Hi Thorsten,

the problem which you experience is because of lacking direct memory mapping between 
OpenGL and CUDA memory. Even if CUDA (at least it was in version 2 so) supports 
GPU<->GPU memory mapping, whenever you access to OpenGL textures there is a 
full memory copy performed.

I am not aware if this was solved in CUDA3, maybe you should check it out. 
CUDA2 definitively doesn't perform direct mapping between GL textures and CUDA 


I know that OpenCL 1.1 added a bunch of OpenGL interoperability features (clCreateFromGLBuffer(), clCreateFromGLTexture2D(), etc.), and I thought I heard that the newer versions of CUDA supported similar features. OpenGL 4.1 added some CL interop features, too.


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