
i'm trying to create 2 render to texture cameras that share the same depth and 
stencil buffer.

i want to render color, depth, and stencil values with the first rtt camera and 
then use the resulting depth and stencil with the second rtt camera.

this is what i'm doing:

create color texture1
create depth texture
create stencil texture

create rtt camera 1
attach color texture 1
attach depth texture
attach stencil texture

create color texture2

create rtt camera 2

attach color texture 2

attach depth texture

attach stencil texture

here's the scene graph

        rtt camera 1
                scene group 1
        rtt camera 2
                scene group 2

the color, depth, and stencil textures look ok coming out of camera 1, but the 
depth and stencil textures after camera 2 are blank (all zero).

is this the right way to do this?


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