Skylark wrote:
> Hi David,
> > Well J-S when I got to the code today I did find out that I has set the 
> > setProjectionResizePolicy to FIXED and I did commented that code out, but 
> > when I tried it, it has no effect on the problem - when I resize the window 
> > I still get a delta that moves to the right and up! Can't figure why!
> > 
> Then you'll have to break out the debugger and put some
> camera->getProjectionMatrixAsOrtho(...) in some places and see why
> it's not matching what you expect, and perhaps reproject / reposition
> the objects once the window has been resized.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S
> -- 
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> Jean-Sebastien Guay    
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Well, I got something working for now! What I had to do was to call

hudCamera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D(0, < windowWidth > ,0, < windowHeight > 

for every time I resize the OSG window. Fortunately I have a resize command for 
the window to do just that. I had to add the function there and someplace else 
that is activated when a tab is moved. Tested this out and that seemed to fix 
the problem so far.  

Tanks for the help J-S! 

D Glenn

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Moving Heaven and Earth!

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