Hi all,

an opening is available for a C++ Software Development Engineer
in Glasgow, Scotland. We develop geological subsurface visualisation
and analysis software for Oil and Gas, Mining, Waste, Geo Surveys.

An ideal candidate would possess C++, Qt and OpenGL skills, and have
experience of developing geometrical and numerical algorithms.

Inside the development team we employ a mix of backgrounds from
computer science, physics, geology, and mechanical engineering.

We currently develop our graphics back-end code in straight OpenGL
and OpenInventor, but this year there is an opportunity to add
an OpenSceneGraph binding/view to the application. This is NOT
a 100% OpenSceneGraph job and a candidate would be expected to
be involved in day to day application development involving C++,
Qt, and mathematical/numerical geological algorithm development
as part of a team of eight engineers in the development team.

Other tool-kits uses are boost, cgal, gdal, csparse, fftw, lsmg,
coin3d, xerces as well as most of the supporting usual suspects.
We target equally both Windows and Linux systems.

This job is advertised on other geology related forums and sites.

See the advert on the OpenSceneGraph wiki for full details and
how to apply:


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