Hi all -- Has anyone ever successfully used multiple TexGen modes (say, EYE_LINEAR and OBJECT_LINEAR) on different objects in the same scene? What is the recommended way to do this in OSG?

The TexGenNode has a pointer to a TexGen, and the TexGen has the mode. I assume I should create two TexGens, one OBJECT_LINEAR and one EYE_LINEAR, and two TexGenNodes to reference them, and add the two TexGenNodes to the scene graph. Then, I assume I should attach the same two TexGens as StateAttributes to different Node's StateSets as needed.

I am running into some issues with this. If it sounds like I'm doing everything right, I'll post a small example that fails, or dig into the OSG code. More than likely, I'm doing something wrong here, so I just wanted to ask what the intended usage is.

  -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software
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