
I am in the not-necessarily-enviable position of needing to modify a large 
established engine built on OSG to do stereo output, without much help from the 
original authors.  Before breaking down and just hacking their camera wrapper 
up into 2 RTT slaves and a fullscreen quad with a custom 2-texture shader, I'm 
seeing how far I can get by just enabling some of the builtin stereo support in 
Tiled HORIZONTAL_SPLIT and VERTICAL_SPLIT seem to work, but e.g. 
HORIZONTAL_INTERLACE does not, and there's so much other output that I can't 
readily see whether the engine is reporting that those gl polygonStipple ops 
are/aren't supported.  Short of that, are there any features that the engine 
may be implementing, e.g. custom framebuffer shaders, which are known to stomp 
on certain stereo modes?  Are there operations other than direct mucking with 
the DisplaySettings that can cancel stereo until it is reinitialized?  Going 
over the whole game engine with a fine-toothed comb is a last-resort option, if 
it's even feasible at all, so knowing anything I could search for would be a 
big help.

Thank you!


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