Hi J-S,

> But in your case, if
> you just want to not see your line (because it's closer to the camera
> than the near plane, and you want that near plane to stay set the way
> you've set it), do this before your frame loop:
> viewer.getCamera()->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR);

Just what i was looking for. Thanks!

> I kind of think if you'd have tried a few things and tried your app in a
> debugger, you would have been able to find this out on your own.

Well, i tried using the Visual Studio debugger to inspect the matrix values 
after retrieving them into an osg::Matrix variable. But that didn't help much.

Could you kindly give some references on these basic issues involved? The only 
material i have now is the web and the OSG QuickStartGuide.

PS: Is there a glDrawPixels() equivalent in OSG? 

Thank you!


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