What could be wrong with my code? Can anyone please point out what im doing 

1) If you're using a camera manipulator, your view matrix is probably being overwritten. (If you believe you're not using one, then set a breakpoint in the TrackballManipulator constructor just to make sure.)

2) Assuming you're not using a camera manipulator, then depending on your window size your cow is possibly too small to subtend any pixels.

3) With OSG you have the source code. Rather than post here and have us try to guess, why not start by setting a breakpoint in Geometry::draw and make sure it's getting called. If it is, then you know it's an issue with near/far planes, and you ought to be able to resolve it just by playing with different values until you get something that works. If draw() isn't being called, then you could set a breakpoint in CullVisitor::apply(Geode&) and find out why it's getting culled.

Of course, learning OpenGL is also a good option.
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