
I use OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 on windows xp.

I have a scene graph in which I have severals geodes (quads).
The camera looks them at the top in an orthographic view (tested also in a 
perspective view).

I have this structure : 
Root -> PositionAttitudeTransform1->AutoTransform1->Geode1
Root -> PositionAttitudeTransform2->AutoTransform2->Geode2
Root -> PositionAttitudeTransform3->AutoTransform3->Geode3

I have set AutoScaleToScreen to true for the AutoTransformNode.

The problem is that geodes that do not move in time do not appear in the viewer.

But if set AutoScaleToScreen is to false, they appears.

I have tested setMinimumScale, setAutoUpdateEyeMovementTolerance and 
setAutoScaleTransitionWidthRatio with differents parameter But as I haven't 
found any information about this methods and what they do I am not sure of the 

So, What can I do to display this geode that do not move in time when I use the 
AutoTransform node with setAutoScaleToScreen at true ?

Thank you for your help.

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