Hi Carl,

It sounds like you are most of the way there, osg::State maintains the
list of current state that has been applied so you just need to get
the current uniform set from the osg::State object.  The stumbling
block is that is presently any accessors for the internal data
structers and these data structurs are all defined in the protected
scope of osg::State - this is dileberate as the internal
implementations details of a complex class like osg::State is best
kept protected so that any changes in internal API/data strucutres
won't effect the build of 3rd party applicatons.

What you could do is add public accessesors to get the get current
uniform state, these methods could worry about the internal
implementation details so the internal structures won't need to be
moved into the public scope.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Cary, Karl A. <karl.a.c...@saic.com> wrote:
> I am trying to debug an application where apparently a common uniform value
> passed to 2 shaders is ending up differently. In order to both confirm my
> suspicions and figure out where to go next, I thought I would check to see
> what value the uniform is set to during the actual drawImplementation of
> each object. I know you can use getUniformLocation on the state you can
> extract from the RenderInfo, but I haven’t figured out how to actually get
> at the value itself. From what I can see in the osg::State object is that
> there is a UniformStack, but I haven’t been able to find any info about what
> is actually in it. If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Karl
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