On 2/4/2011 5:28 AM, Sukender wrote:
> Hi Ulrich, Robert, and all,
> Ulrich, your idea seem briliant. When I was talking about "overwrit[ing] 
> existing userData" I thought about direct pointer access. Of course, if you 
> move userData to private, and give accessors for backward compatibility, then 
> it's okay. That way, it would only break code of derivate classes which 
> directly access the protected member "_userData" ; and this seems a 
> reasonable change to me.
> Thoughts? Ideas?

  As Robert mentions, this has all been discussed extensively before. I was in 
on that
discussion, about 2 years ago. Someone had proposed a pretty decent system that 
almost exactly like this, I think. Ahh, here it is. Ulrich was involved then 


  I think a facility like this is extremely useful, and would like to see it 
move forward.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com 
  Digital Imaging. OpenGL. Scene Graphs. GIS. GPS. Training. Consulting. 
    "There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist." - 
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