Hi Torben,

The cull and draw traversals don't use the KdTree data structures at
all, and since they only hang off the osg::Drawable leaves of the
scene graph they will basically be invisible to all operations on the
scene graph unless they explictly look for them.

So if enable the build of KdTree is causing a problem then it must be
that other parts of the scene graph are being modified somehow.  I
can't answer how because I've never seen this problem before, and
knowing the code I can't think of anywhere that would likely cause a
problem like this.

I'm afraid you'll just need to dig into the code and try to debug what
is happening during the traversal that adds the KdTree's.  One thing
you could do is write out a copy of the scene graph prior to the
addition of the KdTree, and then a copy afterwards to see if there is
a difference.


On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Torben Dannhauer <tor...@dannhauer.info> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have implemented a psuedo loader recently, which modifies the height values 
> of the loaded tile. Nothing else.
> If I use this pseudo loader in a plain osgViewer without KDtrees, it llooks 
> great, everything works.
> If I use if in combination of KDtrees, I have strange rendering effects.  If 
> I zoom in the scene and approach the ground with the camera, the files 
> directly in fron of the camera are invisible. It seems they are culled away, 
> but not with a flat near plan, but on a "per tile base". For better 
> understanding please look at the attached screenshot.
> It happens with all tiles which have modified height values.
> It does NOT happen with tiles which were loaded by the pseudo loader but were 
> unmodified.
> I call
> Code:
> osgDB::Registry::instance()->setBuildKdTreesHint(osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options::BUILD_KDTREES);
> before I load the terrain.
> What could be the reason?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Torben
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> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=37742#37742
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