Hi again, 

Thank you for your reply! 
I've tried to set the path to what you have suggested me. In my case, I set it 
to point at the hl2 root as you said.. well, apparently some models are 
successfully loaded with all textures correctly applied onto them. However, 
some still lack all the textures. I extracted every single files from the gcf 
file and leave them as they are arranged in the gcf (e.g. some models are 
located in models/Effects/models... etc. I'm pretty sure that their 
corresponding textures are also extracted, since I double-checked the texture 
names and such and they are located in materials folder exactly as they are in 
gcf file. Still, it doesn't find the textures.. I guess maybe the textures are 
located in another gcf files with the same name ? I don't know. 

I have a few more questions to bug you though =P :
I guess this is a stupid question but, is it possible that an osg environment 
file able to load mdl models into them with all textures ? 

And, is the plugin able to import simple animation information in the mdl file 
as well? Let's say I have a model that simply rotates forever (like a ball). (I 
have not tried this because I couldn't load this model in the osgviewer.)

Thank you very much for your reply! 


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