
I'm trying to revive an old immersive VR head-mounted-display setup - a 
Virtuality Visette 2. I have a VRPN server running for the two magnetic 6DOF 
trackers (Polhemus Insidetrack) - one for the HMD, one for the "v-flexor" 
handheld joystick.
I'm to the point that I can look around in virtual space with the HMD, thanks 
to the osgVrpn plugin, the next step is manipulating the virtual world with the 
joystick. osgVrpn seems only made for camera tracking, so I guess I'd need to 
write something for world manipulation. I think the best way to inject the 
joystick VRPN data in OSG would be using USER GUI-events? Is that correct?
Has anyone done anything similar before?


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