Hi Robert,

In case you are interested, I have made a patch for the OpenFlight plugin so 
that it reades/writes the surface material code (SMC) and feature id (FID) and 
stores it as a description of the geode that contains these attributes.
The format of the description string is like "SF:[SMC]:[FID]" for example 

Glad you were able to craft a solution that works for you. I haven't looked at your attachment, but you are aware of the submission guidelines? You should send your submission, which should consist of a zip file with the complete modified files (not a patch or diff) to osg-submissions (the forum called Submissions automatically sends to this mailing list, so posting there works too).

Also, we spoke about metadata, it seems one of the actors of this subject, Sukender, wants to see this suggestion move forward, see this topic:


Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

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