
depends on your requirements, for geometry processing i would recommend 
openmesh or vcg. VCG is part of the MeshLab tool on sourceforge. Its a bit 
harder to find. Google for "vcglib".

Hope this helps, 

manish8892 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for an efficient general mesh data structure.
> Having feature like Generating  normal arrays and texture coordinate for 
> model,Parameterization of Triangulated Surface Meshes ; texture mapping
> and that can easily integrate with OSG.
> I know some of them like :
> openMesh
> osgmodeling
> I need better solution which one is most suitable or there some other library 
> which can be helpful to me.
> I had hoped that someone might have used it before.
> ... 
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> manish

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