
I was trying to implement distributed rendering. I did manged to enable syncing 
object positions each frame, but when it comes to particle effects things are 
getting messy. Here is what i came across:

Think of a distributed rendering system with 2 machines. Each of them are 
displaying half of the plane (Cessnafire.osg). When one wing has a particle 
smoke effect, it does not continue to other rendering machine.I think it is 
because cull system on the other macine does not insantiate particle effect 
when it is out of frustum. It maybe correct for single renderings but in 
multiple ones, this is not normal.

Is there a way to overcome this problem like:

1- Can we just draw smoke parts that intersected with our second frustum? I 
mean even if the first particles are not getting drawn which are originating 
from the source , can we draw older aged particles? (Prefered one, only draw 
smoke parts that is in the viewing frustum of the second machine)
2-Can we   just activate particle even if it is not in the view frusta (Not 
recommended maybe? Performance issues).

Thank you!


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