Hi, Mukund

I think in your case problem might be that you draw your sphere without 
backface culling and only front faces are set to transparent on material. Try 
to enable backface culling or set alpha on material to FRONT_AND_BACK.

Cheers, Sergey.

22.04.2011, 23:49, "Mukund Keshav" <osgfo...@tevs.eu>:
> Hi Everyone,
> i am trying blending in OSG and i tried this code:
> Code:
> osg::Geode* wireSphere = new osg::Geode();
> osg::PolygonMode* polygonMode = new osg::PolygonMode();
> osg::ref_ptr<osg::ShapeDrawable> sphere = new osg::ShapeDrawable(new 
> osg::Sphere(osg::Vec3(0,0,0), 3));
> //polygonMode->setMode(osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
> osg::PolygonMode::LINE);
>         wireSphere->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(polygonMode, 
> osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> wireSphere->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(new 
> osg::LineWidth(2.0f),osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> osg::StateSet* state = wireSphere->getOrCreateStateSet();
> osg::ref_ptr<osg::Material> material = new osg::Material;
>    // Set alpha to 0.1
> material->setAlpha(osg::Material::FRONT, 0.4);
> state->setAttributeAndModes( material.get() , osg::StateAttribute::ON |
>                                                                   osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);
> state->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> state->setMode(GL_NORMALIZE, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> state->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> // Turn on blending
> osg::BlendFunc* blendFunc = new osg::BlendFunc(osg::BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA,
>                                                                                         osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
>  );
>  state->setAttributeAndModes(blendFunc);
> wireSphere->addDrawable( sphere.get() );
> But, i'm still getting an opaque sphere. Could anyone please tell me where 
> i'm going wrong?
> Thanks,
> Mukund
> ------------------
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> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=38740#38740
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