Will the same technique work with a third camera C?

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On Apr 28, 2011, at 11:06 AM, Sergey Polischuk <pol...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Hi, Craig
> In your example, put camera A as child of B with render order on camera A set 
> to prerender.
> Cheers, Sergey.
> 27.04.2011, 18:38, "Craig S. Bosma" <craig.bo...@gmail.com>:
> Robert,
> Thanks for pointing out the "TraversalOrderBin", I wasn't aware of that. 
> However, I'm still a little unclear on how that might help for my use. 
> Suppose I have a scene with with a root Group node and two child Camera 
> Nodes, A and B. Suppose both render to a texture via FBO, and that B needs 
> A's texture output. If I put the root node in the "TraversalOrderBin", would 
> that guarantee that camera A is rendered completely before camera B? What if 
> A instead were a child of B?
> Thanks,
> Craig
> On Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi Craig,
> The best way to manage render bin is vis State::setRenderBinDetails(),
> and in the 2.9.x dev series you can now select a render bin that sorts
> on traversal order of a subgrpah which makes some techniques easier -
> use the RenderBin string "TraversalOrderBin" to select this bin.
> If you want to create and chain RenderStages then using an osg::Camera
> in the scene graph is often one of the best ways to do this, and use
> the Camera::setRenderOrder(..) to control the order. You can also use
> a custom cull traversal callback to create RenderStage/RenderBin and
> assign these to the rendering backend, but this does require a greater
> knowledge of the internals of the rendering backend.
> Robert.
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Craig S. Bosma <craig.bo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a shader-driven graphics pipeline for an OSG-based app, and I
> want to better understand how I can better control the rendering order. I
> want to render my initial scene to several texture targets, with opaque and
> transparent objects handled separately. Currently I do this using node
> masks, but from this thread
> (http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=2374) it seems like it
> would be better to use renderbin/renderstages. I have several more
> post-processing stages to follow, so I'm convinced that's the way to go for
> me to have full control over the pipeline.
> I've dug into the source for SceneView, RenderBin, RenderStage, etc. but
> it's not obvious to me how to shift objects from one bin to another (aside
> from setRenderBinDetails), or how to add stages that form a dependency
> chain. If anyone has examples or general advice on where to look, I'd be
> glad to hear it.
> Thanks,
> Craig
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